At Station 1, after the inserts are assembled into the modules, a robot places the module assemblies into the transport pallet on the conveyor. The parts travel on a pallet with a custom fixture to accurately locate and seal the modules to permit gel to be dispensed into the driver modules. At Station 2, approximately one-half of the total volume of gel is dispensed into the driver module. Station 3 stacks the pallets six high to provide enough resistance time in the vacuum chamber where the gel is degassed. The pallets are then un-stacked and placed back on the conveyor for further processing.
At Station 4, the remainder of the silicon sealant needed to fill the module is dispensed. Station 5 restacks the pallets and the gel is degassed. The stack of pallets is indexed through a curing oven and a cooling chamber and then is un-stacked at Station 6. Station 7 removes the modules from the pallet, performs QC tests on the gel, and packages the modules in temporary storage tubes.